First Issue Bin
First Issue Bin: ‘Universal Monsters: The Mummy’ #1
Faith Erin Hicks unearths a surprisingly emotional story about a teen girl and her family (plus a mummy)
First Issue Bin: ‘Absolute Flash’ #1
If I have to read one more thing about something being wonky with the Speed Force, I'm going to scream. That's a Flash Fact.
First Issue Bin: ‘Welcome to Twilight’ #1
A noir tale of a winged TV detective soars high with laughs and crashes with tragedy in this brilliant debut issue.
First Issue Bin: ‘Secret Six’ #1
The fifth 'Secret Six' series from DC Comics is a misfire, a ricochet, and a shot to the foot.
First Issue Bin: ‘Red Hulk’ #1
After the new 'Captain America' film, Red Hulk is back in a comic that fizzles into predictable red rage.
First Issue Bin: ‘Let This One Be A Devil’ #1
Dark Horse's 'Let This One Be A Devil' brings a tale of monsters of old America into the 21st century.
First Issue Bin: ‘One World Under Doom’ #1
Marvel's first big crossover of 2025 features all the top-tier heroes: The Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and ... Squirrel Girl and her college pals?!
First Issue Bin: ‘SilverHawks’ #1
Does this comic book relaunch of the 40-year-old sci-fi property 'SilverHawks' soar in the skies ... or wind up begging for crumbs in the park?
First Issue Bin: ‘Ultimate Wolverine’ #1
There's no need for stealth when you eliminate all witnesses.
The First Issue Bin: ‘Deadpool/Wolverine’ #1
Benjamin Percy and Joshua Cassara join forces to create an action-packed, extraordinary #1 issue for this Deadpool/Wolverine run.