"Buckle up, bitches, it's Virgo season" — , The Virgo Queen kinda called it with her entrance line. Canada's Drag Race Season 5 ultimately ended up being Virgo's season, starting with a win in the first episode and culminating with her taking the crown in the season finale. But The Virgo Queen's road to her reign wasn't an easy one. After winning two of the first three challenges, the Toronto fashion queen got tripped up by Snatch Game, a design challenge, and the cursed Wooden Beaver.
But did The Virgo Queen's confidence ever waiver? Not visibly, not at all. And that is the tea on Virgo in Season 5: when other girls were shaken, Virgo stood steady. Never a pot-stirrer and never a pushover, The Virgo Queen kept her eyes on the prize every single episode — and the commitment paid off (to the tune of $100,000).
Following her win, Pop Heist got the chance to catch up with The Virgo Queen and kiki about celebrating her victory, working with Orville Peck in the grand finale, and what it was like competing in this epic season of Canada's Drag Race.

Brett White: The first thing I have to know is where were you when you found out? Did you have a watch party or have you known for a long time?
The Virgo Queen: No, they do not tell us. I honestly wish they did, because I was so nervous for the last 24 hours leading up to it. I got to watch it in Toronto with all of the girls, except for one, but that's super special that the majority of the cast got to come to Toronto. We were all sitting on the stage together, doing it with hundreds of people. So it was definitely very magical, fantastic, could not have wished for anything more.
That's gotta be such a great way to end what I have to imagine has been a crazy two months of living in the Drag Race world. What has that been like?
It definitely is an adjustment, but I love it. It was nerve wracking hitting the ending of the season, because I was getting so used to having those weekly episodes and seeing myself. You have to find your self identity, like, what are you going to do next? But now we're to my reign.
I know! What are your goals? Are you looking to record music? Are you wanting to do everything?
Definitely everything, for sure. Not saying no to any opportunity, but focused on getting into the studio, writing music, trying to collaborate with whoever I can because that's my main passion. And I'd love to collaborate on drag and music. I want to tour. I want to open up doors for the community.

Brooke called you one of the best lyricists that the show's ever had.
That's crazy! She did?
That's what she said during the critiques at the end, when they were going over everyone. What was it like working with Orville Peck?
Oh, my God — he is so fine. He was a really, really good help. He definitely was very raw, very real. He definitely gave me a lot of confidence and motivation. Then you even see him cry at the end of the episode, when he's talking to Makayla. I remember that happening and it was so genuine. I was like, "That’s so sweet."

I loved getting to watch you and Sanjina have, for maybe the first time in the entire franchise, an authentic drag mother/drag daughter storyline like I don't think we've ever really seen before.
On the same season, yeah. It was amazing. It's a blessing. We all fell in love with Sanjina, right? But I've known her for years, and seeing her blossom and getting the recognition that she deserves — I could not have asked for anything more. I'm so excited for her.
How was Sanjina after you won? Because what I loved about Sanjina is how every single time she was getting critiques, you could see it on her face that she was just so excited to be there.
I know! That’s exactly how she is in real life. She was right there at the finale, next to me, just holding me up, literally holding me up. I can't even stand. Of course, she's already asked for her wish list of what she would like from the money. So I'm excited to obviously help her in any way that I can, but I'm sure we'll figure out a little something to treat us.

You have to have confidence going into a Drag Race season, but still — who did you see as your main competition?
My main competition was really myself, right? Because the second that I don't believe that I can do it, then it's over for me. In life, you don't really want to compare yourself to other people. I tried my best to not do that, right? So I would look at them and be like, "We look amazing, gorgeous, but we're not even gonna think about the difference between us, because I don't want to psych myself out."
And that speaks to your vibe throughout the season. We got some good fights this season. We got some good shady moments. The most controversial thing you did was give the Golden Beaver to Jaylene. Do you wish you'd stirred the pot some more?
I remember that I was like, "I'll just let them all fight each other and I'll be the last one standing." That was my original plan. When you spend so much time with people, then your emotions and your connections and all of that comes into play. So I know when the Wooden Beaver came around and it was time for my first time to be in the bottom, I wasn't very happy. Couldn’t really handle that. But we dealt and we move forward.
If people could only remember one thing about your run on this season, what would you want them to remember?
I guess it's to be yourself and to lead with love and kindness. I try my best to do that. Obviously that doesn't happen all the time because I am just a human, but watching the season, I feel like I definitely showcased that and that's what I strive to be. And look, I got rewarded because of that.
Follow The Virgo Queen on Instagram at @thevirgoqueen. All seasons of Canada's Drag Race are now streaming on WOW Presents Plus.